P4 Learning for 16 December

School might be closed but the Sumdog house is OPEN! Celebrate WINNING the Edinburgh Sumdog Competition by decorating your house with your winnings!

Which child do you think is right about this snowman? Test your idea by making two tiny snowmen and using a cloth to make a jacket for one of them. Bring them inside and see which one melts faster.

Tell your grown ups about the Jesse tree and one of the stories. Today we were going to hear about King David. Learn the story of David and the Goliath and find out what happens to the boy when he grows up. https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/cv/david_and_goliath.htm

Try this game with a grown up. Do you have any strategies to beat them?

Play in the snow! Stay cozy and we will see you on Monday! Miss Redman and Ms Morrison