End of year P6A Highlights

Last week we received an email from one of our former pupils Jakob. He included a link to a slideshow of his adventures in Cambridge. Below is a short film of photos highlighting some of the adventures of P6A this year. We hope Jakob enjoys our short video too!

P6 Grow a Pound for SCIAF

Primary 6 pupils have been selling their produce in the playground as part of their fundraising exercise of Lent. All the proceeds from their sales are going to SCIAF and it has been great to see so many children selling cakes, biscuits, sweets, origami ninja stars and other handmade crafts this past week.

In addition to this great effort children have also been bringing in Fairtrade items for the hamper which will be raffled off before Easter. The hamper is so full we’ve created a second smaller hamper prize and a third prize with tea, coffee and small chocolate. Tickets cost £1 each and Primary 6 pupils will be selling tickets at their Fairtrade assembly this Friday in the hall as well as outside in the playground from 3pm next week.

Thank you to all the parents, carers and families who have supported Primary 6 in their fundraising efforts, we very much appreciate your support and encouragement as we Grow a Pound for SCIAF.


P6 STEM workshop at the Forth Bridges

Primary 6 enjoyed a blustery visit to the Forth Bridges on Wednesday 24th January where they took part in workshops designed to improve their understanding of bridge building.

Due to high winds the bridge was closed so neither class could walk over the Road Bridge and take part in the quiz. Both classes enjoyed the well organised sessions, Angela who led the morning certainly demonstrated excellent knowledge of the three bridge types and how they stay upright.

Highlights included trying on safety equipment and building our own bridge towers using the most stable and effective design.

Primary 6 worked very well and very knowledgeable about all three bridges. Well done!

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St John’s deliver socks to help others

We went to Leith Primary School by taxi and we gave the socks we are gathered to Joseph and said hello to him. On the way back I got a festive doughnut and crisps from Mrs Kelly and had a chat with Annie, Kayden and Bartek. I felt proud that I donated socks to Joseph to help homeless men and women. Thank you to everyone else who helped too.

written by Kieran P6A

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